Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pictures of Twins' Second Birthday

As I am sure you can see, I suck at uploading pictures on this thing. I cannot for the life of me make them do what I want them to do! So here there are, in a random, haphazard order: Caden and Avery's second birthday pictures! You'll notice that most are of Avery, because Caden wouldn't hold still long enough for a decent picture.

You'll also notice the absence of clothing in a few. Avery was reduced to her diaper and new horse slippers by the end of the evening (her favorite outfit, by the way) and Caden to just a diaper. Caden had conveniently found someone's Coke sitting somewhere, and had hidden in the corner to drink it. I didn't think I had to worry too much about the amount of caffeine or sugar he had consumed, considering most of it appeared to be ON him, rather than IN him.

I decided to make homemade cupcakes for them, instead of using a boxed cake mix, which was not the brightest idea. I forgot the baking sode and the vanilla the first time (attention all mom's with under three children: stop at two! or even one! after the third, your mind is shot) so the first batch of cupcakes had a nice crater in the middle, as well as the density of a rock. So I then made a second batch, so that I completed a total of six hours baking cupcakes. I should also add that Avery only ate two bites, and Caden threw his on the floor and wouldn't touch it.

They're getting boxed cake next year.


R said...

Such darling kids. Avery is beautiful. Caden looks so mischievious, and I desperately want to munch Sienna's cheeks.

Box cake secret -- add crap, then you can feel all virtuous and almost homemade. I add cherry filling to chocolate cake, apples or pears to spice cake, and bits of dark chocolate to vanilla . . .

R said...

Oh, and you are one of The Tribe of Anne. Love finding a Tribe of Anne member.