Tuesday, September 09, 2008

For Sandra and Hayden

First of all, I thought I'd share a little something. Some people, once they've been a mother for a few years, miss their children being babies and decide they need another. They just can't get over the fact that they're done with the baby stage. Which, for many women, is fine - better than fine, actually, because it's what is right for them and their family. 

For me, though, it's different. I already, after only 2 1/2 years of being a mother, miss my crazy little toddlers being sweet, snuggly little babies. But rather than want to start over with a new one, it makes me wish I had treasured their babyhood a little more, a little longer. Snuggled them more, played more, cherished more. Let the to-do list go a little longer, realized that relationships are SO MUCH more important than a clean house. 

So for me, the missing of the baby days is causing me to live in the present. To (try to) cherish each day, to love them NOW, while they're still little, to remember how quickly this time goes by, to try and avoid regrets. 

Being a mother is so all consuming, so emotional, such a roller coaster, so wonderful... so many adjectives all in one. :) Babies make you busy, they make life fly by simply by their being, so from someone who is trying to learn (before it's too late) to cherish these years, take it from me: start at the beginning. Don't wait even 2 1/2 years. You can't ever get them back. 

Have fun with him, Sandra!


I absolutely loved baby Boden rompers for my kids, so I am going to send you a two pack to love for Hayden. But, I can't seem to figure out how to display a picture of the cute little things, so I'll just add a link and Sandra, you can go check them out!

I hope you enjoy snuggling him in them, and I can't wait to meet him through your pictures and descriptions. Maybe someday we'll even be able to meet you all in person. :) 

Congratulations friend!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

That is amazing advice! I feel the same way with Erin sometimes and we've only had her since she was 6. I want to go back to those days and enjoy her more. I can't imagine how much more quickly time with a baby must pass. They are only so small for such a short period of time and I am going to do my best to take your advice and enjoy those moments.

The rompers are adorable! Thank you so much! Let me know if you need my address.