Lately, CeCe has been taking a morning nap while the twins stay up with me. She still needs two naps a day, but they won't sleep that much anymore (I really never thought I'd see the day!) and I quite like it. I get to spend a little time with just the two of them and me, and we don't get that much anymore. Plus, Cece is happy the entire day when she gets enough sleep versus the screaming monster she becomes on days where she only gets one nap. So far, it's a win-win situation.
We went to North Dakota for a wedding this last weekend. It went really well; lots and lots of driving, but relaxing. We left Thursday night and arrived at Carl's parents house around 2:00 am. From 11:30 on, I drove and the car was SILENT. I listened to my favorite Regina Spektor songs over and over and over. It was pure BLISS! I have never enjoyed being in the car so much. It was funny to be enjoying alone time while in the midst of four other people, but enjoy it I did.
We left the kids with Carl's parents Saturday night while we went to the wedding in Bismarck. It was so weird to be away from them overnight. We went to the wedding (in the middle OF NOWHERE ) and were back at our hotel by 8:00 pm. Carl fell asleep by 8:30, while I worked on homework for three hours and then watched Love and other Disasters. It was so nice, so peaceful, so productive! But, we laughed about the way we chose to spend our free time away from the kids. Just thinking about it makes me feel old!
The kids did great, Nancy did a great job taking care of them (although I think it may take her a while to recover from the tornado that is my family) and it was a very relaxing weekend. I found a bunch of great sturdy fabric at the store Carl's family owns for making re-usable grocery bags, as well as some fleece for making Badger a coat. Oh, wait, you don't know about Badger, do you?
A friend of ours had a mini daschund he had been given but couldn't keep, so he gave him to us. He is three years old, perfect with the kids, small, doesn't shed, snuggly but not a nuisance and basically fits into our family perfectly. We love him, he is such a great little dog! Anyway, he gets really cold because I don't keep our house very warm, so I am going to make him a little jacket. Silly, I know, but I feel bad for him!
Before this becomes the longest post ever, I had better get to working on my project for my technology class. I have a ton of work to do and it's due tonight!
Sally is part daschound and she has always been great with Sam, but no so much with strangers. We always had her in a jacket in MT. They're good dogs.
Love hearing from you, even it is once a week!
rebecca dot adele dot powell at gmail dot com
Our little dog Snoopy is a daschound. He's so spoiled it's ridiculous, but we love him anyway.
David and I always laugh at how we choose to spend evenings alone. More often than not we snuggle on the couch and fall asleep by 10. :)
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